viernes, 19 de abril de 2013


I would like to inform that the next Monday will be able to carry out my partner professional dialogue.  I assume that I will have to work during the week for that activity due to the different steps. That includes:  the pre-observation discussion, observation, post-lesson discussion, follow up, include evidence and my reflection. So, I will try to do this step by step because for me it is very important because this will be my first formal observation that I am sure that will help me to exchange ideas, identify my strengths as well as the areas in my teaching that require improvement.

I feel very please with my students of KET, PET and FCE that are the ones of my project because I see how they are improving, they feel very motivating about the course of preparation. In the course, I give the students exercises that contain test items that they are likely to meet in the real test. I also give them strategies and techniques for dealing with test items. Besides that, I also involve them in other activities and materials that will help them to improve their English.    

I also have other students that are in my regular basis. With my students of intermediate and pre-intermediate I feel glad because we finish the units and now I have to prepare them for the “Segundo parcial” so next week we are going to review grammar and vocabulary points in the coursebook for both courses.

With my students of junior high school especially the ones of 2nd grade I would like to replace some activities of the coursebook, I noticed that these students need other alternatives for learning. I will try to give them activities in which they can find information on newspapers, magazines, websites or dictionaries.Many of my students told me that the homework was boring because it was always the same (pages of the workbook) they worked in that way with the previous teacher. I try to find other activities for complementing their homework record.
For the 3rd grade this week we worked on reading activities. In the school there are a collection of books that students can choose. There are a variety of readings from famous books, people or films. I think that when students are reading those kinds of books written in appropriate levels, I noted that they are enthusiastic about reading.

So far so good!!!





martes, 16 de abril de 2013

Situated Learning

Learning is not just a process that it is acquired in a classroom; it is also a process that it is acquired outside the classroom by the social interaction and collaboration. When I recently arrived to my “unidad receptora”, I foolishly thought that knowledge was acquired after obtaining a professional degree. But now I realized that it is just the begging, according to Brown, Collins and Dugid , learning is a continuous, lifelong process from acting in situations. So, knowledge and learning are properly conceive as being located in communities of practice.

Situated learning is basically a term used in socio cultural theory which views learning as not simply a cognitive process but a social one which is produced by the situation and the social context in which learning involves participation in a community of practice. (Lave & Wenger, 1991).

The theory of situated cognition or situated learning plays a significant role in my professional life because it is part of my receiving institution with many beneficial aspects with my teaching.

Personally, I think that I am learning a lot with my fellow teachers by socialization, visualization and imitation. In my in the school where I am doing my social service there are regular frequent meetings in which are mainly to talk about administrative matters. But, most importantly, we discuss things about general issues in education, about the perceived problems of the institution, the problems that the students are facing in the different subjects, examinations in general and teaching materials. There are other also informal contacts with my colleagues, for example during the break in the staff room.

For me it is a great opportunity to have a professional contact with colleagues and to learn from them. I also learn a lot from my students. In order to carry out my needs analysis, I had the opportunity to interact with both fellow teachers and students in which we discuss about learning issues.  The result of that for me was professional interaction and worth.

During my classes there are situations of co-participation, for example, when students collaborate with each other, working in pairs or groups. In which I step back and observe the group. I pay attention in how they behave and how the task is taking action. In some writing or speaking activities, they have to be involved in activities, solve problems, do research or report back on what they have found out. During that lesson I give students feedback. It is really surprising for me to see how many insights can be gathered.

It is really important to mention that there is another important social interaction and collaboration in which situated learning takes place which is Social Media. "Networked learning, in contrast, is committed to a vision of the social that stresses cooperation, interactivity, mutual benefit, and social engagement. The power of ten working interactively will invariably outstrip the power of one looking to beat out the other nine."

 In my blog, I have the opportunity to reflect and analyze about my development as an English teacher, the things that happen during my lessons at my receiving institution and also the chance to interact with my e-mates. I believe that we feel motivated because it does not let us to feel lonely about the teaching and leaning process because we sometimes share the same idea or point of view; we sometimes face the same problems or difficulties. We learn from each other by giving advice and increase each other’s learning.

To sum up, I feel situated to the institution and my students. Situational learning is part of my everyday life by having contact with my fellow teachers, students and e-mates. In which I learn from interaction, observation, imitation and experience.



 Brown, J. S., Collins, A., & Dugid, P. (1989). Situated cognition and the culture of learning. Educational Researcher, 18, 32-42.

Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger (1991) Situated Learning. Legitimate peripheral participation, Cambridge: University of Cambridge Press

Richardson, W. (2010). Blogs, wikis, podcasts and other powerful web tools for classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin, p. 133.


martes, 9 de abril de 2013

Back 2 school

Yesterday was the official day for the high school to return to the classes after the Easter break.  I notice that many of my students were active and ready to work and others were a little bit lazy. I believed that many of them need to get used to the summer time.
For the homework the students had to do a writing activity about the things that they did over Easter celebrations. I really enjoy reading their homework. I believe that this is a great opportunity for them to write something that it is not in the workbook. I think that sometimes the teachers need to omit or replace certain things in the coursebook and adapt it to the things that are happening around them or according to their needs.

There is something I would like to share with you peers. I was delighted when the school principal of my unidad receptora offered me a job as a permanent teacher for the next period. I told him to give my answer next Friday because still do not know what to do. I have my doubts because next period I will be doing my Experiencia Recepcional and my Practicum. I think that I am only be available to give one class or two.
