jueves, 6 de junio de 2013

Focus on my students

After marking, grading and filling out the formats of fifty five students of high school I feel really happy with the results 98% of my students passed the exam with good grades, but there is still a few students who does not want to do anything before, during and after the class, they are so lazy and it is affecting their grades. I talked with them in private, but they still continue with that behavior. The only thing that I need to do now is talk with their parents. I do not want to do that but it is necessary. It is a kind of prevention for them to fail and to make their parents to be aware of their performance.

My students of junior high school are almost on examination week for both groups, we need to review grammar and vocabulary, as well as listening practice located on students’ book and workbook. As a final work the students will do a project, but I need to discuss it with them the topics that are interesting for them but my main focus are the topics that are relevant in terms of that they are studying and of course I am going to discuss the grade of the project, length of the activity and so on.
With my other group as a final project will have to write down a brochure in a variety of ways. Some teams will write about a town brochure, entertainment venue, and health club brochure. In groups they are going to decide it and discuss it with me.
I really enjoy watching my students working in groups and when they are explaining different topics for the rest of the class, because I believe that it is really important for the learners to have STT rather than the Teacher Talking Time!!!  

In a couple of days, I plan to ask my students for comments and feedback on the things I do and about the course. I will ask the students to write a letter about their thoughts, feelings about the course and explain the things they found difficult, easy, what seems engage and boring and other things they found important to write.
I really hope to find honestly on their feedback, because in that way I could have some changes in my teaching and that of course will have a great long-term benefit for them and me.

Soon will share their insights with you…                  





1 comentario:

  1. Hi Sara:
    How was the experience of working with teenagers? Lots of fun and challenges, wasn't it?
    I'm sure those students who failed your exam, the lazy ones, are failing other subjects too. This is someting that, sadly, happens all of the time, so don't take it too personal. Sometimes I believe that if SEP changed remedials exams for summer school students would not be so lazy. Just an idea.
    Good luck with your student's evaluations, and read you soon!
